
You know when you don’t feel like writing? Or when you’re at a loss for what to write about?

Yeah. Me too.

writer's block

The dreaded WRITER’S BLOCK…

As a writer, writer’s block is the absolutely worst thing that could happen.punch

How do we punch writer’s block in the face? Well first you ball your first up and then jab…well…I’m not really sure how to punch a metaphoric conception in its “face.” But you get the idea.

It’s not easy to become a thug blogger. Heck, after blogging a whole year I haven’t even reached “thug” level (sorry that wasn’t too blogspirational but it’s the truth!).

So what do I do when I am hit with writer’s block?

  • Consult your PLN (Personal Learning Network)

My idea for this blog came from Jaycie’s tweet this morning:


The girl holla’d at me and I know no one in my PLN would leave my call of distress unanswered so I wouldn’t either!

*If you don’t have a PLN you can begin by following me on Twitter and then follow everyone I’m following. This is a good start to an excellent PLN.*

So here’s how the PLN thing will work:

  1. I post this blog.
  2. I post this blog to Slice of Life Sharing on Two Writing Teacher’s blog.
  3. I tweet this blog to #yalitclass and #sols and #twtblog and to @jayciecheatham.
  4. People from my PLN will [hopefully] visit my blog.
  5. These [potential] said people will tweet or comment how they get their blogspiration.

For me, the best help is only 140 characters away.

  • Research

I visit my blog subscriptions and start reading. And reading. And reading.

Eventually something will occur and BAM! Why hello, Blospiration.

A few blospirational blogs:

  1. Pernille Ripp at Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension
  2. Katsok at Read, Write, Reflect
  3. Justin Tarte at Life of an Educator
  4. The Lovely Ladies at Two Writing Teachers

When I’m in a blogging slump (don’t laugh; this really happens), I find that full emersion into blogging truly helps. I’ll read blogs that pique my interest and all of the comments, too.

  • Just Write

writingI usually resort to this option last because it’s the hardest. One of my professors always preaches that “Life is confrontation with confusion.”

Sometimes it is best to punch blog block in the face by putting the pen to the paper (or fingers on the keys) and committing to just letting the words flow. Who cares if, after five minutes, you wrote nothing spectacular? At least you proved to yourself that you CAN write through the confusion.

If you’re new to blogging, confront the confusion.

Blog on, my friends. Blog on. Soon you will become a thug blogger.