Slice of Life: One Little Word for 2014

I’ve been banging my head against my desk trying to come up with my One Little Word (OLW) for 2014. Okay, so I haven’t literally smacked myself but figuratively I have a catfacepalmfew times.

I want this year to be epic (is it okay I still use the word “epic” or is it a little 2012?). This year I’ll finish my junior year of college and then I’ll finish the year with professional “block” courses, the precursor to student teaching.

I’m learning amazing things in my classes. I’m taking three English courses this semester and I’ve truly enjoyed the subject material I was fed last semester.

Shucks, I guess you could say that I’m really learning a lot.

Also in 2013, I was introduced to the beloved writer’s notebook. For Christmas, I even got my family writer’s notebooks because I am now the biggest fangirl of them…thanks Dr. Ellington!

Now after all of the epic-ness of 2013 I was really upset with myself because I couldn’t find an equally epic word for 2014. Of course, I wanted all of the words!

Brave. Be. Roots. Courage. Discover. Celebrate.

Then I had an epiphany (I love it when that happens).

Not only do I want all of those words, moreover, I want to REMEMBER all of the awesome epic-ness happening to me.

I want to REMEMBER all of the epic literature I’ve been digesting. Particularly, I’m taking a grammar course that I especially want to REMEMBER.

I want to REMEMBER my junior and senior year of college (even if I AM 21 now).

I want to REMEMBER growing and maturing throughout my last few years of college.

REMEMBER is my word for 2014. I’ve done some reflecting and remembering in 2013 (like my drawing about Sept. 11) and I’ve documented a bit in my writer’s notebook but I’m ready to take it to the next level.

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I have a new pocket-sized notebook that I carry in my purse. A few weeks ago I even pulled it out in the ridiculously long line at Walmart and began writing and rereading past reflections.

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Who knows, maybe I’ll even REMEMBER  a workout.

Here’s to you 2014! It’s going to be one to REMEMBER.

Slice of Life